Monday, November 25, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Handling Addiction.

I've always been told that when it comes to addiction, being able to admit that you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery.  I thought this would be a pretty good venue, as it is a public forum style medium. I have been struggling with this issue for a while now, trying to convince myself that: there really is not a problem, it isn't actually an addiction, no one really notices, and lots of people do it and no one really seems concerned. 


The fact is though that there is a problem, and I need help.  At first I could enjoy myself and keep up with my daily routine.  Lately though, I have been coming in late to work, and even taking extra bathroom breaks so I can satisfy my cravings without anyone catching on. Icebreakers Duos have become a real issue and I'm not sure if I am strong enough to overcome this alone.  I had been hoping for an intervention; I imagined I would come home and all my friends and family would be waiting for me and they would have already thrown away all my Duos containers, even the secret stash I keep in the attic, and also the one under the floor in my kitchen.  "Jake," they'll say, "it's time to give up the habit."  They would tell me other things like "Watermelon-mint isn't even a real flavor," "Tic-Tacs have fewer calories," and "You're not alone, we can get you help."  I would have struggled and argued at first, but eventually I would have come around.


Now it's out there - I've told everyone - and that means I have to do something about it.  Anyone know of any facilities that will handle a Duos addiction?